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4.2.6 Lesson Card Operations

Selected lesson cards (see Section 4.2.5) can be attached, detached or removed. These operations are described below.

Attaching and Detaching Cards

Attached cards cannot be moved, either manually, or by the automatic Timetable Solver. The lessons they represent have a fixed teacher and venue. Attached cards are identified by a grey circle (which is intended to represent the glue holding them to the timetable board.)

Choose Edit - Attach Selected from the menu bar to attach the selected cards in the timetable view. To detach the selected cards so that they can be moved or removed, choose Edit - Detach Selected.

Removing Cards

Choose Edit - Remove Selected from the menu bar to remove the selected lesson cards from the timetable. The removed cards are placed in the reservoir area below the timetable view. Note that attached cards are not removed - they must be detached first.

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