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1.2.1 Starting FineTime

To start FineTime under Windows, simply click on the Start button and choose the FineTime entry. If you have accepted the default values during the installation process, the FineTime entry will be located at Programs - Silverbean - FineTime.

To start FineTime under Linux, simply open a console window, type FineTime and press Enter.

When you run FineTime for the first time on your computer, the program starts in its unregistered mode. The full functionality of FineTime is available in this mode, except that you cannot save or print any timetable files you create. There is no time limit applicable for the use of FineTime in unregistered mode.

When you have finished using FineTime, choose File - Quit from the menu bar to terminate the program. If you are running FineTime in registered mode and have any unsaved work, you will be prompted to save your data as detailed the next chapter.

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