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1.1.2 Installing FineTime for Windows

FineTime for Windows is distributed as a self-extracting executable file named FineTime-<lang>-<ver>.exe, where <lang> is the two-letter language code, e.g. EN for English, and <ver> is the program version number. This file is located in the Windows directory on the FineTime CD.

Before installing FineTime on your computer, please be sure to uninstall any previous versions of FineTime as detailed in the Uninstall Instructions below. Install Instructions

To install FineTime for Windows, change to the Windows directory on the FineTime CD, double-click on the FineTime setup program, and follow the instructions given. Please note that if you are installing FineTime on a computer running the NT, 2000, or XP variants of Windows, you must have administrator access rights. It is not necessary to reboot your computer after the install process has completed. Uninstall Instructions

Should you wish in future to uninstall FineTime, select Settings from the Start menu and then System - Software. Now double-click on the FineTime entry, and confirm that you wish to remove FineTime. When you click OK, FineTime will be removed completely from your computer.

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