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1.4.2 Continuing your Timetable

FineTime needs to be given information about your school, such as details about staff and teaching venue availability, to use when devising your timetable. Chapter 2 explains how to enter these details into a new timetable using FineTime.

Alternatively, FineTime can import this information from a so-called school resource file as explained in chapter 3. School resource files have a simple text format, and may be generated by a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel, or by a text editor.

Chapter 4 explains how to go about devising your timetable once you have specified your school details. Note however that you can still alter your school details while devising a timetable. In that case FineTime will alter the timetable to maintain consistency. If, for example, a venue is deleted from the list, FineTime will remove all lessons that were scheduled to take place at this venue from the timetable, and move them back to the reservoir of lessons which have not yet been scheduled.

Finally, chapter 5 shows how you can print out the complete timetable. It also explains how individualised timetables for student groups, teachers and rooms can be printed, or exported as HTML files.

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