To schedule or reschedule a lesson, simply drag the card representing that lesson from the reservoir or timetable window to the appropriate position in the timetable window using the mouse. When you release the left mouse button, the lesson is assigned to the slot at the drop position as long as this would not violate the integrity of the timetable. For example, FineTime will not allow you to schedule the same group for two simultaneous lessons, or to exceed the capacity of a venue. If you attempt to schedule a lesson at a disallowed slot, FineTime shows a message informing you why the lesson cannot be assigned, and the lesson card is dropped back where it was picked up from.
As you drag a lesson card over the timetable window, you see that FineTime highlights the slot at the current cursor position depending on whether the lesson card might be dropped there. Valid slots for the lesson card are highlighted in green; slots which are not suitable for the lesson card are highlighted in red. Sometimes FineTime highlights a slot in yellow; this means that you are permitted to drop the lesson card at that slot, but a soft restriction (see Section 4.2.8) would be violated. If you drop the lesson card on a yellow-highlighted slot, FineTime shows a warning message, but allows you to drop the lesson card there if you wish.
To remove a lesson from the timetable, simply drag the corresponding card from the timetable window to the reservoir window.