After you have loaded a timetable, or imported a school resource file into FineTime, you see that the timetable window shows a list of the student groups for whom lessons are to be scheduled down the left edge of the window. The lessons currently scheduled for each group are depicted in the timetable row adjacent to each venue label.
As you shall see in the following sections of this chapter, it is also very useful to be able to view the timetable with the lessons arranged according to properties other than the student groups. FineTime allows you to change the timetable view to so that the lessons are ordered by either group, teacher, or venue. To order the lessons by teacher, choose View - Teachers from the menu bar, and the timetable window changes so that the teachers are listed at the left edge of the window, and the lessons are ordered accordingly. Choose View - Venues from the menu bar to see the lessons ordered by venue. To return to the group view, choose View - Groups from the menu bar.